A Note from Purpl Founder, Georgina Colman
Navigating Time: My Journey with MS and the Power of Determination
It’s strange to think that once upon a time, I wasn’t disabled yet now I am but I am still very much the same person. I’ve had MS for almost 22 years, but it wasn’t until 2018 that my walking deteriorated. I definitely consider myself as a disabled person these days as I have lost some of my independence and I have more challenges in life.
Before MS, I was always on the go, constantly striving to do everything and get ahead. Sometimes I wonder if that’s what triggered my condition. I've spoken to many other people with MS over the last few years and they have shared similar experiences, which is intriguing.
I am a very determined person so I work hard to keep my body in the best shape possible, incorporating holistic therapies like acupuncture, chiropractic sessions, neuro-physiotherapy, and more every month. Without these sessions, I am convinced my health would be in a worse state.
Time Moves Fast
Everything takes me so much longer these days, and I have to plan in advance for nearly everything as being disabled doesn’t bode well with spontaneity! If I want to go somewhere on my own I have to give myself plenty of time to get from my car to the destination and if there is no disabled parking close by I just don’t go. It definitely limits your options. Getting dressed in the mornings takes around 30 minutes, every activity like trying to lift my legs up so I can put socks on is hard work. I need the toilet, I can’t leave it to the last minute as it takes me twice as long as any abled person to, if not longer. I am definitely more conscious of time - I think about when I can consume my water so if I am out and about my weak bladder can last. Way more on my mind about the nitty gritty parts of life than there used to be that’s for sure.
Flash of Inspiration
Around two years ago I came up with an idea whilst out shopping when I realised that whilst my son could get a student discount there was nothing to help the disabled community. I was inspired but also frustrated that no one had already set this up. There are around 16 million disabled people in the UK, that’s nearly a quarter of the population so I wondered why the disabled community wasn’t offered the same benefits as key-workers, carers, students and teachers.
I am a true believer in everything happens for a reason, and also I don't do well with injustice so I knew this was my mission and the journey I was meant to be on. This was my chance to do something amazing and really make a difference to the lives of other disabled people.
The Birth of Purpl
It costs on average nearly £1000 extra a month if you are disabled (Scope research) and I knew I had to do something to help. In May this year, I launched Purpl to our first brand partner and since then we have gone live on nearly 30 websites signposting Disabled Discounts as well as around 60 brands offering discounts on the Purpl website.
To join Purpl, visit Purpl Discounts and register with your proof of disability. We accept government and council documents as well as Access and National Disability ID cards. For more information, you can read our blog post on How to Get Verified on Purpl.
My mission with Purpl is to help our community save money, as well as building a supportive community. I want us to share our stories, offer relevant advice and guidance, and give back to disabled charities. Eventually, I hope to create our own foundation to provide grants directly to those in need of extra financial support. Please join Purpl and share the site with your disabled friends and family.
I am so excited that we are partners with Rotary who were one of our first brand partners. I know they are really keen to help my disabled community and really help raise awareness of Purpl. We have an amazing 25% off for Purpl members click here to get your Rotary Watches Link.